The Waves Forum side events are independent events organised by partners. The events relate to the themes discussed at Waves 2024
14.3 NODUS TALK: Innovation during polycrisis
by NODUS @Design Museum Helsinki, 23 Korkeavuorenkatu From 16:15 – 17:45 EET
NODUS TALKS series is organized by the NODUS Sustainable Design Research Group of Aalto University, bringing together researchers and practitioners on topics relevant to design, innovation and sustainability. Presentations will be followed by a panel discussion, both held in English.
Janne I. Hukkinen is a professor of environmental policy at the University of Helsinki. Janne’s talk is on the Policy Operations Room, a decision platform for strategic crisis management designed during two large research consortia that he lead during 2018-2023.
Sara Lindeman is a researcher and founder of the think-and-do-tank Leapfrog. Sara will discuss why we need to change how innovation is done and she will share insights from a current pilot with Sitra and VTT on innovation practices that draw on collective intelligence and complexity science.
The event is free, but please register here as seats are limited
or to receive the Zoom link:
3.4 Warm Data Lab for Changemakers
by Leapfrog Projects and Sitra
From 9:00 to 12:00
Decision-making in a complex world benefits from a dialogue where different perspectives are in dialogue with each other.
Warm Data Lab is a way to conduct a group discussion in such a way that multi-perspective and cross-border knowledge develops. It does not seek a common vision or a solution to a limited challenge, as in many workshops. Instead, the goal is to broaden each participant’s own thinking and ability to understand the changing world from different contexts. Your insights may surprise you. That’s why Warm Data Lab is also an experience.
At the beginning of the event, Nora Bateson, the developer of the Warm Data Lab and the founder of the International Bateson Institute introduces us to the world of Warm Data, after which we implement the Lab. The International Bateson Institute studies the connections within complex systems, and encourages and initiates projects that connect different social contexts.
The event is free but you need to register